Daily nursing after discharge from CAR-T therapy

Daily nursing after discharge from CAR-T therapy
Good diet helps reduce the risk of relapse in multiple myeloma

Nutrition plays an important role in the rehabilitation and prevention of the disease, and a healthy diet plan is beneficial to reducing the risk of relapse of multiple myeloma.

The balanced dietary pattern in China is an ideal dietary pattern designed by the Expert Committee on Dietary Guidelines of the Chinese Nutrition Society.

Therefore, a balanced diet should be followed in both healthy people and patients with multiple myeloma

  • According to the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022), food diversity and cereals are the main characteristics of the balanced dietary pattern; daily meals should include foods such as cereals and potatoes, vegetables and fruits, livestock, fish, eggs, milk, soybean and nuts, etc.
  • Each type of food contained in the Dietary Pagoda contains many varieties, and the nutrients of each type of food in the same class are often generally similar and can be replaced with each other in the diet
  • The amount of food and interval should be consistent with work and rest time and physical condition
General dietary principles-What should multiple myeloma patients avoid eating?
Avoid overeating, avoid greasy, fried, spicy, hard and acidic, spicy, salty and other irritating strong food
Abstinence from alcohol since alcohol consumption can cause degeneration and necrosis of liver cells
Eat less mutton and dog meat, shellless seafood, bamboo shoots, taro and other easily allergic foods and beverages and snacks with chemicals, preservatives and additives
Salted and moldy foods should not be consumed
How to prevent infection in daily life of multiple myeloma patients?

Multiple myeloma patients need to adopt a series of measures in their daily lives to prevent infections effectively. Firstly, it is crucial for them to regularly self-monitor their body temperature, enabling the timely detection of any potential signs of infection. Simultaneously, self-observation of abnormal symptoms is paramount, including but not limited to skin rash, fever, and pain, all of which should be promptly reported to the medical team.

In terms of personal hygiene, emphasis should be placed on maintaining the cleanliness and disinfection of clothing, living spaces, and daily necessities, along with keeping the skin clean. Avoiding crowded public places where the risk of infection is higher is advised, and wearing masks when outdoors is recommended. Additionally, maintaining well-ventilated and dry home environments, refraining from pet ownership, contributes to sustaining fresh air. During colder seasons, prioritizing warmth and preventing exposure to cold is a key preventive measure. These comprehensive prevention measures aid in enhancing the immune resilience of multiple myeloma patients and reducing the risk of infections

Rehabilitation management after discharge from CAR-T therapy
Appropriate aerobic exercise reduces relapse and progression of multiple myeloma
Proper exercise can improve blood circulation and enhance the immune system. Patients with multiple myeloma can engage in outdoor exercises moderately and gradually.
Multiple myeloma patients can go to parks, forests, and other places with plenty of plants and trees to breathe fresh air in their daily life, which can help improve their physical condition and enhance their immune system.
Attention should be paid to the assessment of physical and mental status during exercise to avoid excessive fatigue and to prevent dizziness, falls and other accidents.
Aerobic exercise suitable for multiple myeloma patients: jogging, walking, swimming, cycling, radio gymnastics, tai chi, etc. Suitable intensity and simple, suitable for long-term exercise
What should multiple myeloma patients pay attention to when traveling?
Evaluate health status thoroughly before travelling, and choose appropriate travel routes
Pay attention to your own protection when you go out, such as personal hygiene and diet
Bring enough clothes to change, check the weather during the trip, and add clothes as needed
Take sufficient daily medications and emergency medications such as antidiarrheals. Before traveling, inform your primary physician and contact the physician promptly in case of any emergencies
Patients are advised to avoid driving and engage in hazardous work, mechanical manipulation, and exercise within 8 weeks after infusion
Patients with multiple myeloma should "do as you can" at work

Career selection for patients with multiple myeloma should follow the principle of "do as you can", avoid "make-up" work, and it is contraindicated to work that often needs to stay up late.

Why do multiple myeloma patients need psychological care?
Multiple myeloma patients have undergone multiple treatments and multiple relapses, and the time interval between each relapse will be shortened, which brings great psychological pressure on the patient and family members; in addition, many adverse reactions caused by long-term treatment will also affect the patient's mood Long-term immersion in negative emotions can lead patients into a state of depression, resulting in lack of interest in their surroundings, excessive sensitivity to their environment, and is detrimental to the rehabilitation
Psychological care of patients with multiple myeloma

The mental well-being of multiple myeloma patients is equally crucial. While maintaining physical health forms the foundation, the role of psychological care in this process should not be underestimated. Priority lies in emphasizing regular follow-up appointments and maintaining consistency in attending them. During these appointments, actively consulting with physicians about troubling symptoms, alleviating concerns, and fostering confidence in overcoming the illness are paramount.

Encouraging open communication with family and friends, along with their support, assistance, care, and encouragement, plays a pivotal role in enhancing patient compliance and self-confidence. The emotional support within families fosters a sense of deep connection and mutual care, contributing significantly to reinforcing the patient's recovery confidence

Actively engaging in social activities serves as an effective means to reduce feelings of isolation. Therefore, it is recommended that patients participate in various social activities, such as joining patient support groups to share treatment experiences, enriching their lives, reducing solitary time, and avoiding excessive rumination.

Xiaojia Wang. Guidance on Rehabilitation of Cancer at Home [M]. Publishing House of Electronics Industry: Beijing, 2020

A true warrior always maintains the utmost determination and the most enduring perseverance! No matter for treatment, follow-up, routine care, or rehabilitation, never give up! We are about to win this battle!

Fucaso® (Equecabtagene Autoleucel Injection)

-- The World's First Approved Fully Human CAR-T Therapy

Breakthrough fully human CAR structure
  • Full epitope of light and heavy chains binds tightly to BCMA
  • Fast dissociation, low exhaustion
  • Low immunogenicity
Durable persistence
  • Median duration of persistence time 419 days
  • 12-month sustained MRD negativity rate 81.7%
  • 12-month PFS rate 85.5%
Strong efficacy
  • ORR 98.9%
  • ≥CR rate 82.4%
  • MRD negativity rate 97.8%
Returning to life upon single-dose treatment
Excellent safety
  • No ≥ Grade 3 ICANS
  • Incidence of ≥ Grade 3
  • No movement/cognitive disorder observed No Parkinson's disease found